A Cheesesteak Milkshake?  Would You Try It?

A Cheesesteak Milkshake? Would You Try It?

We know some milkshakes will bring the boys to the yard.  Others may make them “blow chow” in it. The University of Miami baseball stadium recently offered a milkshake that’s combined with a Philly cheesesteak. Yeah, it’s a vanilla shake with an actual cheesesteak and cheese whiz mixed in. You can check out one being…MORE

Eddie Van Halen’s Favorite Album?  You Might Be Surprise…

Eddie Van Halen’s Favorite Album? You Might Be Surprise…

We all have a favorite album. Mine is KISS “Alive”. The first album I ever bought, and still the best in my opinion. But I have some close seconds: Aerosmith/Get Your Wings, Black Sabbath/We Sold Our Souls For Rock and Roll, and Pink Floyd/The Wall. What’s your favorite? Well, we found out Eddie Van Halen’s…MORE

Recently Sold At Auction:  George Harrison’s Toast

Recently Sold At Auction: George Harrison’s Toast

It appears almost “anything” connected to the Beatles can sell at an auction. Example: toast. Yeah, a piece of George Harrison’s toast from the 60’s sold recently! How much? We don’t know….it was undisclosed. But, back in 1991 the same piece of toast sold for $94,800.00! CLICK HERE/PEOPLE.COM to read more about how the toast…MORE

You Think Eggs Are Expensive These Days, How About This $20 Strawberry?

You Think Eggs Are Expensive These Days, How About This $20 Strawberry?

Eggs. It’s all people are talking about these days. The high price of eggs. But if you think eggs are expensive, what about a particular strawberry from Japan? A food influencer on TikTok has a video where she ate a $19 strawberry at a restaurant in Beverly Hills.  She says it’s from Japan, and it’s the…MORE

Man Arrested For Waving “Chucky” Doll At Shoppers!

Man Arrested For Waving “Chucky” Doll At Shoppers!

Well, we all have our hobbies, but none of those hobbies are scaring shoppers by waving a Chucky doll at them. You remember Chucky, the little possessed doll in the movie, “Child’s Play”, right? A 35-year-old man in Florida was arrested for doing just that.  Apparently, it was a little disturbing and unsettling. Check out…MORE

Q)  How Did You Meet Your Significant Other?                A)  Well, He Hit Me With His Car!

Q) How Did You Meet Your Significant Other? A) Well, He Hit Me With His Car!

Love. If it’s gonna happen, it’s just gonna happen….you can’t stop it! And people meet in a variety of ways: Maybe on the bus, at work, at a concert or a sporting event……You know, if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. And a couple in China recently got married, and how did they…MORE

94 Year Old Woman Reunites With The Boy She Saved From Drowning Back In 1961!

94 Year Old Woman Reunites With The Boy She Saved From Drowning Back In 1961!

A 94-year-old woman from San Diego named Barbara Ribeiro had a very cool reunion this month.  Back in 1961, she found a missing toddler at the bottom of a pool and saved the kid’s life. His name is Ben Colwell, and they hadn’t seen each other since it happened 64 years ago.  He’s 66 now and…MORE

You Had One Job!  (Basketball Player’s Jersey Hung From Rafters, But It’s Upside Down)

You Had One Job! (Basketball Player’s Jersey Hung From Rafters, But It’s Upside Down)

We’ve all heard the phrase: “You had one job…..” And this was a perfect example. Minnesota Timberwolves’ Terrence Shannon Jr. was honored recently by having his college jersey retired at the University of Illinois, where he played college basketball. Terrence, his mother, and all the fans were extremely excited for the moment the jersey would…MORE