The powerhouse apps joined forces to keep passengers safe from predatory drivers. Can the same be done to protect drivers?… MORE

The powerhouse apps joined forces to keep passengers safe from predatory drivers. Can the same be done to protect drivers?… MORE
Don’t play with me, Netflix. There are cheaper streaming services that don’t require the need to share a password.… MORE
Here’s a quick look at newest recommendations for spending times with others when you’ve received all doses of a COVID vaccine.… MORE
We don’t want to see leftover vaccines get wasted and that leaves room for some people get it earlier!… MORE
The motives aren’t clear and the police response seemed a little chill.… MORE
It’s time to get closure on your ex… Happy Valentine’s Day to you AND these animals!… MORE
Who needs flowers and chocolate when you can have a salad? Am I right? Get yours in time for V Day 2021. LOL.… MORE
What a turn of events! Bernie made lemonade with his internet fame.… MORE
Not exactly the diet and exercise your New Year’s resolution called for, but money’s money… Right?… MORE
There will be some challenges along the way, but it’s in the works for 2021. Think about it before you plan your next trip!… MORE