3 Girls Try To Stab Mom For Turning Off The WiFi!

3 Girls Try To Stab Mom For Turning Off The WiFi!

High-Speed Internet. It’s pretty important to teen-agers these days. Maybe more important than food, shelter, or water. Need proof? Three teenage sisters in Houston are facing charges after trying to kill their mom for turning off the Wi-Fi! Yes, you read that right: They were going to kill their mom for turning off the WiFI!…MORE

Elton John’s Advice For “Up And Coming” Artists….

Elton John’s Advice For “Up And Coming” Artists….

Elton John had some advice recently for “up and coming” artists……and it was plain and simple: Forget American Idol. Play live. Get experience. He said it doesn’t matter if you’re playing to 20 people or 20 thousand people……Play, play, play! Read more about what Elton had to say by CLICKING HERE/CONSEQUENCE.NET………….MORE

Did The National Weather Service Catch Bigfoot On Camera?

Did The National Weather Service Catch Bigfoot On Camera?

Folks are wondering: Did the National Weather Service catch Bigfoot on camera?  A recent photo they posted of storm damage in Pennsylvania shows a dark figure in the woods behind a gentleman in the lawn who has no idea what is lurking behind him? Is it Bigfoot? Or is it a dumb lawn ornament? CLICK…MORE

The “Hot Mugshot” Girl Got Arrested Again!

The “Hot Mugshot” Girl Got Arrested Again!

Looks like the “hot mugshot” girl decided to stretch her 15 minutes of fame into a half-hour.  She got arrested again over the weekend, and “Yes”, there’s a new mugshot! If you’re just hearing about this, 20 year old Lily Stewart goes to the University of Georgia. She went viral last week thanks to the…MORE

Here’s The Top 25 Fictional “Best Friends” From TV And The Movies!

Here’s The Top 25 Fictional “Best Friends” From TV And The Movies!

Best friends. We all have one! But let’s talk about the top fictional best friends from television and the movies. Who’s your favorite? Thelma and Louise? Bill and Ted? Can’t forget Maverick and Goose! CLICK HERE/ew.COM to see the Top 25 Fictional “Best Friends” from TV and the movies…..See if your favorite made the list.MORE

“Alien” Shows Up At International Space Station!  (See The Video!)

“Alien” Shows Up At International Space Station! (See The Video!)

The two stranded Space Station astronauts are finally set to come home today after more than nine months up there.  They were supposed to be there eight days, but their Boeing Starliner ship had issues. SpaceX sent four more astronauts up over the weekend, and a clip of them being greeted by an “alien” is…MORE

Is Jim Morrison From The Doors Still Alive?  New Documentary Says “Yes”!

Is Jim Morrison From The Doors Still Alive? New Documentary Says “Yes”!

Big news for Doors fans. Jim Morrison is still alive!  He’s been hiding out in Syracuse, New York as a maintenance worker named Frank! At least that’s according to a documentary called “Before the End: Searching for Jim Morrison”. You can check it out on Apple TV+. The movie claims Morrison faked his death and went…MORE

Mermaids Exist?  And Rich People Are Eating Them?

Mermaids Exist? And Rich People Are Eating Them?

Welcome to 2025. Have you heard the hot new conspiracy theory that’s not at all crazy? People on TikTok think mermaids exist . . . and rich people are eating them. A random lady kicked it off last week with a story about an ex-con who claimed he saw a mermaid in a big tank…MORE