Whoever is in charge of marketing at Taco Bell deserves more money because they took a natural lunar phase and made it an opportunity for you to have free tacos. #blessed
Tuesday, May 4, the moon is going to look like a taco, so you can grab a free crunchy taco from Taco Bell anytime between 8am and midnight OR all day using their app.
Breaking news: the world is getting a new lunar phase on 5/4. Oh, and everyone’s getting a free Crunchy Taco too from 8 PM to 12 AM or all day through the app or online. #TacoMoon 🌮 🌓
— Taco Bell (@tacobell) April 29, 2021
There’s no way for them to know you’re stopping at all the Taco Bells in the area, so hit them all on May 4. Get. Those. Tacos.