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Does Every Odd Number Have The Letter “E” In It?

One, three, five, seven, nine……….

Well, it appears so……Did you catch \”BeLIEve It or Not\” with Stu today around 1:25?  He does it every weekday right around that time, and it\’s a pretty easy concept.

Stu will give you three random facts.  2 of these facts are true, and one is false!  Which one is false?  Well, you have to figure that out yourself or with your co-workers because Stu ain\’t telling!  Here\’s today\’s facts:

  1.  Every single odd number has the letter \”e\” in it when you spell it.
  2.  Approximately 1 million people in America are married to their first or second cousins.
  3.  One-third of people who drink Pedialyte are adults….and most of them are using it to treat hangovers.

Believe it……or not.