Would You Pay To Be Gene Simmon’s Roadie For A Day?! Here’s Your Chance…

(Photo by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for Race To Erase MS)

Christmas has come early for die-hard KISS fans! Gene Simmons is giving you the opportunity to be his personal assistant and roadie for the day! It’ll only set you back $12,495! Yikes! That’s a lot of money to ‘pay‘ to work for the famous KISS frontman. Well, digging a little deeper, you probably won’t do that much work, but instead, get to hang with Gene. Imagine the stories he’ll tell! Plus, he’ll autograph a few items and even give you a Gene Simmons Bass guitar. You also can take photos and videos while ‘working’ for Gene. You even get to break bread with the KISS legend! Plus, you can bring one guest with you (so actually you could split the fee). There’s only one of these opportunities per show on his 2025 tour. Simmons will play the Brown County Music Center in southern Indiana on May 20th, so Hoosier KISS fans, this could be YOUR chance! I personally think this is a really cool experience. How many bands would think outside the box and let a fan this close to them?! Not many. It’s creative and hey, Gene is a businessman. Why not make a little extra money, all while providing some incredible memories for some fans.

There is another version of this, slightly watered down, but you still get to meet Gene, AND you can bring along three friends (so again, spread the cost out). Learn more here: https://www.genesimmonsaxe.com/

I found this video below from a YouTuber that’s obviously a KISS fan, but not impressed with the fee for this experience:

(source Rob Benjamin Music via YouTube)