Do you like a good flea market? Are your up for a relaxing ride in a buggy? Is a big, homestyle meal right up your alley?
If you said yes to all of the above, then a trip to Indiana’s most charming small city should be in your future. The website Trips To Discover put together a list featuring a city in each state, and they named Shipshewana as the Hoosier state’s hidden gem.
The city is home to the Midwest’s largest flea market, which runs May through September. Shipshewana also has a large Amish and Mennonite population with a museum and activities that allow visitors to get a glimpse of the lifestyle.
Trips To Discover also highlights the “historic buildings [that] are home to aromatic bakeries, craft shops, furniture workshops, art galleries, and restaurants with menus featuring Amish dishes.”
Seriously, I took a field trip there when I was in middle school, and I STILL think about the fried chicken.