Law & Order The OG Coming Back To NBC. Revived After 10 years.

A decade and some change after the original “Law and Order” closed out a run of twenty seasons (back when TV shows had 22 or 24 episode seasons), NBC has announced that the O.G. of the wildly successful franchise is set to return.  “There are very few things in life that are literally dreams come true. This is mine,” Dick Wolf the head of Wolf Entertainment and the man who started the massive and ever-expanding franchise, said about the big return.

According to the announcement, the upcoming reboot will pick up where the drama left off in 2010, with a closer look at “the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders.” As to whether beloved cast members—played by Chris Noth, Sam Watterson and others—will return to the show? NBC teased that this news will break at a later date. There’s currently no premiere date either. *Dun Dun*

For now, we’ll just have to bide our time by watching old episodes on Peacock. Read more here: