Inside-Out Jeans Are Here (And “Yes”, They’re Ridiculous!)

Somebody sound the \”stupid fashion alert\” siren!  It\’s happening…..again!

How many times have we seen the big fashion companies come up with flat-out ridiculous, stupid jeans that they expect us to pay big bucks for?  Too many….right?

Well, they are at it again, and now it\’s \”Inside-Out\” jeans, and they\’re exactly what they sound like:  a pair of jeans turned inside out.  And how much do they expect you to pay for a pair of these jeans?  Well, CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT! , and to see a photo!

My advice:  Just wear a pair of your $30 jeans inside-out and save the cash!

(photo: (By TinTinTwoTone [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons)

(Info:  Independent/link)