The “Little” Things That Make Us Happy! (And, They’re Free!)

Well, no doubt it’s been a tough week….lotta “BAD” things happening these days. But, during dark times, sometimes it feels like there is absolutely NOTHING to be happy about. That’s not true. There are so many times that we can find a lot of little happy moments in just our day-to-day life.

There was a survey recently that asked people: “What are the little things in life that make you happy”? The Top 10 Responses are below:

1. A kiss and a hug.

2. Laughing with friends.

3. Clean sheets.

4. Petting your dog or cat.

5. Getting a good deal.

6. Getting a compliment.

7. Finding money.

8. Hearing from an old friend.

9. Doing a good deed.

10. Having some lazy time where you just relax and do nothing.

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ARTICLE, and remember: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!